Friday, September 30, 2011

Last Blog!

This is my last blog, and I really have no topic to write about. I've enjoyed writing, it helps me to get out my stresses and emotions. I've kept a folder on my desktop where I've written almost everyday. I only chose a select few entries to post though, because some of the entires I feel are to personal. I'm glad that we had this assignment, because its really helped me. I've turned writing into my new stress relief outlet, and long after this assignment is done, I believe I will still continue to write everyday.
Thank you.


It surprises me how much I miss my family. I'm used to being on my own, and this summer I worked as a nanny down in Northeast Harbor, where I was away from them basically all summer as well. But lately all I've been wanting is a hug from my mom and some of my dads home cooking. I want to take my dogs out in our back yard and run around the trails with them, I want to go pick pumpkins and apples from our garden and watch the sun set from our porch.
Its funny really, how I couldn't wait to come back up to college. And now I'm wishing for the very thing I so willingly ran away from.

Fiction Smackdown

The two men stood across from each other in the dusty street, their arms loosely hanging at their sides. People scurried into buildings around them, slamming doors and shutting windows. However the men's gaze's didn't flicker away from each others eyes, or their right hands that were placed on top of their guns. 

"It's not worth it son" the first man said, his eyes blocked by the rim of his hat. 
"Afraid of losing old timer?" the young man jaunted. 
"We don't have to do this, you're to young to die" said the old man. 
The young man stomped his left foot into the ground impatiently, raising a puff of dust that danced away in the wind. "Stop stalling old man, and lets do this"
"What makes you so confident son?"
"What makes you old man?"
"I asked you first son"
"You're blind in your right eye. Err'one round here says so, I reckon I got this here duel in the bag"
"Why do you wanna kill me son"
"I heard things that you've done"
"You heard wrong"
"Shuddup old man and draw" the young man yelled. 
The old man didn't move. 
"You want to bet your life on a rumor that says I can't see out of my right eye" 
"You can't kill me if you can't fuckin' see" said the young man as he drew his gun. 
A shot rang out in the empty street. The old man was standing exactly where he had been, with the young man staring back at him. As he raised his head to let the young man see his eyes, he placed his gun back into his holster. The young man looked into his eyes, and then slumped back to the ground. The old man pulled his hat back down below his eyes, walking back to his horse he kept his head lowered. The young man lay sprawled in the street. People began to slowly come out of their houses  to survey the damage. As he was riding away the old man could hear a scream of anguish, he pushed his horse into a run. 


Movies are the perfect way to waste time. Seriously. They're entertaining, time consuming, and they allow you to temporarily live in a world thats not you're own. I'm not sure what I really want to say in this blog...just that it's nice to escape my own reality sometimes.


Oh candy
why are you so addicting?
your luscious taste
the shining wrapper
the advertising that works so well

Why do you have to taunt me?
2 for the price of 1
king size

I shouldn't
I want to get in shape
I've been doing such a good job lately

But just one couldn't hurt
could it?
Not if I split it between me and one of my sisters
No its okay
I deserve a break
Just one

Talent Show

Tonight we had the greek week talent show. Personally, I thought we had a great show. We incorporated american history, spirit and American pride into one show and somehow we still came in third. We won Greek week last year and have the highest pan hellenic GPA on campus. We have won more awards than all the other sororities and have the best girls, I don't understand why we don't win the talent show! Honestly, I think its because we have a judge thats out to get us. Seriously! There is an Alpha Phi alum on the judging board, which explains why Alpha Phi always wins. I guess its not a huge deal, its just I feel badly because it was my idea that we used and we still didn't win. I feel like I let everyone down somehow. Even though everyone tells me it wasn't my fault, I still feel this way...


I'm just sitting here really bored, so I thought I'd work on my blog entries. I'm not really sure what to do. Tonight we have the greek week talent show, which I helped to create. The theme is "America", and being the history nerd that I am I pitched this idea of doing a mock Bond Rally in WWII for our theme. My sisters really liked it and they want to do it, so I wrote a plot and came up with some ideas. But I really didn't know what I was getting myself into, I have so much to do! I also have to speak on stage and be the main actress, which really doesn't bother me to much, because I have acted before. My dad is a theater and speech professor at UCB in Bangor and got my brother and I into acting at an early age. I enjoy acting and am sad that I haven't had anytime to do it lately, but there is something quite nerve wracking about going up on stage in front of a bunch of noisy, loud frat boys. I'm worried what they'll say and what comments they'll make. I'm really just nervous in general. Well, I have to go print some stuff out at the library for this damn talent show...wish me luck!